Using the Features
Model name1[KP-46WT500] Model name2[KP-51WS500] Model name3[KP-57WS500] Model name4[KP-65WS500]
Using the Freeze Function
The FREEZE button allows you to temporarily capture a program’s picture.
You can use this feature to write down information such as phone numbers,
recipes, etc.
To use the Freeze function
1When the program information you want to capture is displayed, press
2The projection TV switches to Twin View mode and displays the
“frozen” picture on the right, while the current program continues on the
3To cancel and return to normal viewing, press FREEZE.
Freeze feature is not available if you are already in Twin View™ or Index
Call 555-1234
Current program
in progress
Frozen picture Page 44 Tuesday, July 30, 2002 3:46 PM