Assigning the IP Address to the Camera Using ARP Commands

This section explains how to assign an IP address to the camera using ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) commands without using the supplied setup program.


Enter the ARP commands within 5 minutes after the power of the camera is turned on.

1 Open the DOS window on the computer.

2 Enter the IP address and the MAC address of the camera you want assign a new IP address to, using the following ARP commands.

arp -s <Camera's IP address> <Camera's MAC address> ping -t <Camera's IP address>


arp -s 08-00-46-21-00-00 ping -t

3 When the following line is displayed on the DOS window, hold down Ctrl and press C.

Reply from time...

You will normally receive the reply after about 5 repetitions of "Request time out."


If you do not receive the reply, check the following:

Did you enter the ARP commands within 5 minutes after the camera was turned on?

If not, turn off the camera and restart the operation.

Is the NETWORK indicator on the camera flashing? If the indicator goes off, the network connection has a problem. Connect the network correctly.

Did you enter the IP address previously used for another device?

Assign a new IP address to the camera.

Do the computer and the camera have the same network address?

If not, set the same network address on the computer and the camera.

Using the SNMP

This unit supports SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). You can read MIB-2 objects and write some MIB-2 objects using software such as SNMP manager software. This unit also supports the coldStart trap which occurs when the power is turned on or the unit restarts, and the Authentication failure trap which informs of an illegal access using SNMP.

Using CGI commands, you can set community name and access limitation, reading/writing right, host to send traps, and some MIB-2 objects. To allow these settings, you need Level 4 authentication (the right to open the setting pages).

1. Inquiry Commands

You can check the SNMP Agent settings using the following CGI commands.


GET, POST <Command>

“http://ip_adr/snmpdconf/inquiry.cgi?inqjs=snmp (JavaScript parameter format) http://ip_adr/snmpdconf/inquiry.cgi?inq=snmp (standard format)

With the above inquiry, you can obtain the following setting information. The following explains the setting information using the inqjs=snmp (JavaScript parameter) format.

var sysDescr=“\“SONY Network Camera SNC-




var sysObjectID=“”


var sysLocation=“\“\””


var sysContact=“\“\””


var sysName=“\“\””


var snmpEnableAuthenTraps=“1”


var community=“public,,read,1”


var community=“private,,write,2”


var trap=“public,”


1describes the instance of “mib-2.system. sysDescr.0”. You cannot change this parameter.

2describes the instance of “mib-2.system. sysObjectID.0”. You cannot change this parameter.

3describes the instance of “mib-2.system. sysLocation.0”. This field is used to describe the information on the location of this camera. Nothing is set at the factory.


Assigning the IP Address to the Camera Using ARP Commands / Using the SNMP 49