
4describes the instance of “mib-2.system. sysContact.0”. This field is used to describe the information on the administrator of this camera. Nothing is set at the factory.

5describes the instance of “mib-2.system. sysName.0”. This field is used to describe the administration node of this camera. Nothing is set at the factory.

6describes the instance of “mib-2.snmpEnable AuthenTraps.0”. This example shows when “1” (enable) is set. With this setting, a trap occurs when there is an Authentication failure. When “2” (disable) is set, no Authentication failure trap occurs.

7describes the community name and the reading/ writing attributes. This example shows the identification number “ID=1”, the community name public, and enables read from any IP address (

8describes the community name and the reading/ writing attributes, similarly to 7. This example shows the identification number ID=2, the community name “private”, and enables “read/ write” by the SNMP request packet from the host “”.

9describes the host name to send a trap. This example shows the identification number “ID=1”, the community name “public”, and enables sending of traps to the host having the IP address “”.

2. Setting Commands

The unit supports the following setting commands of SNMP.


GET, POST <Command>

http://ip_adr/snmpdconf/snmpdconf.cgi? <parameter>=<value>&<parameter>=...&...

First, perform the settings of the following parameters.


Set the instance of “mib-2.system.sysLocation.0” in the <string> position. The maximum length of <string> is 255 characters.


Set the instance of “mib-2.system.sysContact.0” in

the <string> position. The maximum length of <string> is 255 characters.


Set the instance of “mib-2.system.sysName.0” in the <string> position. The maximum length of <string> is 255 characters.


Set the instance value of “mib-2.snmp.snmp EnableAuthenTraps.0” in the <string> position. Type “1” (enable) or “2” (disable) in the <value> position.



Set the community name and the reading/writing attributes. <ID> describes the setting identification number (1 to 8), <rwAttr> describes a character representing the reading/writing attribute (“r”, “R”, “w or “W”), <communityName> describes the community name to be set, and <IpAddressString> describes the IP address of the host you allow the access ( for any host).

Example: To allow reading/writing any host in the “private” community and having the ID number “2”.




Set the host you want to send traps to. <ID> describes the setting identification number (1 to 8), <communityName> describes the community name to send traps to, and <IpAddressString> describes the IP address of the host to send traps to. Example: To specify the destination of traps as the

private community and the ID number “1”. rap=1,public,


This parameter is used to delete the previous community setting. <ID> describes the community setting identification number (1 to 8).


This parameter is used to delete the previous setting of the host to send traps to. <ID> describes the trap setting identification number (1 to 8).

When you have finished changing the SNMP setting information, check the changed settings using an inquiry command. If the changed settings are OK, restart the SNMP using the following CGI command. Be careful that by entering the command, the camera enters the restart mode.

50 Using the SNMP