4 While monitoring the sound, rotate –/+ to adjust the selected parameter.
5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 to adjust the other parameters.
SURR SET UP menu parameters
x EFFECT LEVEL XXX% (Effect level)
Initial setting: 100%
Higher settings apply more surround effect. You can adjust from 20 % to 120 % in 5 % steps.
For advanced SURR SET UP menu adjustments
Use the CUSTOMIZE menu and set “MENU EXPAND [XXX]” to “ON” to enable advanced adjustments.
For details on “MENU EXPAND [XXX]”, see page 41.
For details on how to set the items, see page 45.
Rotate MAIN MENU to select “SURR SET UP”.
Rotate MENU to select the parameter.
Start playing a source encoded with multi channel surround effects (DVD, etc.).
Customizing sound fields
By adjusting the SURR SET UP menu and LEVEL menu, you can customize the sound fields to suit your particular listening situation.
Note on the displayed items
The setup items you can adjust in each menu vary depending on the sound field. Certain setup parameters may be dimmed in the display. This means that the selected parameter is either unavailable or fixed and unchangeable.
Adjusting the SURR SET UP menu
You can customize the surround effects of the selected sound field. The settings are stored individually for each sound field.
Adjusting the LEVEL menu

You can adjust the balance and level of each speaker. These settings are applied to all sound fields.

1 Start playing a source encoded with multi channel surround effects (DVD, etc.).

2 Rotate MAIN MENU to select “LEVEL”.3 Rotate MENU to select the parameter.

For details, see “LEVEL menu parameters” below.

4 While monitoring the sound, rotate –/+ to adjust the selected parameter.5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 to adjust the other parameters.LEVEL menu parameters

xTEST TONE (Test Tone)

Initial setting: OFF

Lets you output the test tone sequentially from each speaker. When set to “AUTO”, the test tone is output from each speaker automatically. When set to “FIX”, you can select which speaker will output the test tone.

xFRONT L_I_R (Front speaker balance)

Initial setting: 0 (BALANCE)

Lets you adjust the balance between front left and right speakers. You can adjust from –8 dB to +8 dB in 0.5 dB steps.

xCENTER XXX.X dB (Center speaker level)

xSURROUND L XXX.X dB (Surround speaker (L) level)

xSURROUND R XXX.X dB (Surround speaker (R) level)

xSURR BACK XXX.X dB (Surround back speaker level)*

xSURR BACK L XXX.X dB (Surround back (L) level)**

xSURR BACK R XXX.X dB (Surround back (R) level)**

xSUB WOOFER XXX.X dB (Sub woofer level)

Initial setting: 0 dB

You can adjust from –20 dB to +10 dB in 0.5 dB steps.

Settings and Adjustments Advanced

