7.Select Personal account and select Done.
Tip If the inactivity lock activates on your phone, the default phone lock code is 0000.
8.Your phone’s browser opens and displays the BlackBerry Internet Service
Note: If the phone’s browser does not open, your phone has not been configured to allow setting up via its own browser. If this is the case, you must complete the setup using a computer’s Web browser.
9.On your BlackBerry service provider’s Web site, select the Create Your Account option. This will take you to a sequence of pages that will set up your new BlackBerry Internet Service email account.
10.You will be asked to read the legal terms and conditions. Please read them carefully as they contain important information. If you accept the terms and conditions, continue on to the next page.
11.On the setup page you will be asked to enter the following type of details:
–User ID – type a login name of your own choice. This login name will form the first part of your email address for the Web site.
Note: Using this email account is optional and you will be able to add your own Internet email accounts later in the setup process.
–Password – type a password with six or more characters of your own choice. You will use this to gain access to your BlackBerry Internet Service account.
Make sure your login User ID and your Password are stored in a safe place, then continue on to the next page.
12.Select your language, and then perform one of the following actions:
–To associate an existing, supported email address with your phone, type the full email address of the Internet email account, such as, username@ispname.com, and password into the fields provided. You can add up to ten email accounts this way.
–To create a new email address for your phone, for example, username@carrier.blackberry.com, select Create Address. Your login user ID is the name that will appear before the @ sign in your new BlackBerry email address.
Select next, and then OK. You may configure your BlackBerry Internet Service account at any time in the future. Simply log on to the Web site using your phone or a computer.
13.Turn your phone off and back on again. BlackBerry Internet Service on your phone starts automatically and appears in the status bar of your phone. You
36 Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect