Getting Started
This User guide describes how to set up and use BlackBerry® service on your phone. There are two versions of BlackBerry service available; one for corporate users (using BlackBerry® Enterprise Server) and one for Web mail users (using BlackBerry® Internet Service). BlackBerry® Connect™ software is used to connect to the BlackBerry services.
•BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution (using
BlackBerry Enterprise Server) – allows you to receive email messages and meeting requests from an email account operating on a Microsoft® Exchange, Lotus Domino™ or Novell™ GroupWise™ server on your phone. The diagram below shows how data is transferred from a server to your phone.
•BlackBerry Internet Service – allows you to receive
email from a
Note: BlackBerry Internet Service does not support meeting requests.
BlackBerry Connect Installation
If BlackBerry Connect software is installed and provisioned on your phone you can start using it straight away. To check if BlackBerry Connect software has been installed, select > Tools and check that the BlackBerry Connect application is available.
Your BlackBerry Connect account has been provisioned if is displayed in the status bar.
If BlackBerry Connect software is not installed or provisioned, see Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect on page 29 for more information on how to install and provision your phone.
4 Getting Started