Community: Community name administrated by the SNMP manager

Description: Description of this unit

Location: Location of this unit

Contact: Administrator contact information

3NTP (Network Time Protocol)

The protocol setting to synchronize the internal clock of this unit with the NTP server is made in this area. Input the time zone and effective NTP server. Press the SYNCHRONIZE button to synchronize.

NTP Mode: Select “On” to synchronize internal clock with by the NTP server.

Time Zone: Select your time zone.

Timeout: Timeout value

Sync Interval: Renewal cycle

NTP Server: NTP server address


When NTP mode is set to “On”, you cannot change the date and time in the GENERAL screen.

When the network you are using is in your intranet proxy connection environment, you cannot connect this unit with a NTP server on the Internet.

Therefore, specify the NTP server operated in the intranet.


This button is used to activate the synchronization of the set values.

5SAVE button

This button is used to save the currently set values.

6CANCEL button

This button is used to cancel changes.

7? (HELP) button

This button is used to display HELP information.

8Software Keyboard Enters alphabets or numbers.

Shortcut keys

When you connect a USB keyboard with this unit, you can use the following shortcut keys in the NETWORK screen:


Applicable button



Alt + D




Alt + N




Alt + S




Alt + C




Alt + H




You can move between the items in the screen by pressing the tab key.

GUI application

SERIAL I/F screen

This screen is used for setting the serial interface communication speed.



1Baud Rate

Set the baud rate here.

You can select one of the following baud rates: [4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200] (bps)

2SAVE button

This button is used to save the currently set values.

3CANCEL button

This button is used to cancel changes.

4? (HELP) button

This button is used to display HELP information.

Shortcut keys

When you connect a USB keyboard with this unit, you can use the following shortcut keys in the SERIAL I/F screen:


Applicable button



Alt + S




Alt + C




Alt + H