Setting Up Voicemail
All unanswered calls to your phone are automatically transferred to your voicemail, even if your phone is in use or turned off. Therefore, it is recommended that you set up your voicemail and personal greeting as soon as your phone is activated.
1.Using your MOTOROLA i1, call your wireless phone number.
2.Follow the system prompts to:
Create your passcode.
Record your name announcement.
Record your greeting.
Note: Voicemail Passcode: It is strongly recommended that you create a passcode when setting up your voicemail to protect against unauthorized access. Without a passcode, anyone who has access to your phone is able to access your voicemail messages.
For more information about using your voicemail, (see “Voicemail” on page 47.)
Account Passwords
With Nextel service, you enjoy unlimited access to your personal account information and voicemail account. To ensure that no one else has access to your information, you need to create passwords to protect your privacy.
If you are the account owner, you will create an account username and password when you sign on to www.nextel.com. (Click Need to register for access? to get started.) If you are not the account owner (if someone else receives the bill for your service), you can get a
Note: When you go to www.nextel.com, you will be redirected
to www.sprint.com by default. Follow the sign in instructions above to access your Nextel account.
You will create your voicemail password (or passcode) when you set up your voicemail. See “Setting Up Voicemail” on page 10 for more information on your voicemail password.