Call Waiting
Call Waiting lets you receive a second call while on an active call. Call Waiting is always available, unless you turn it off for a specific call.
If you are on a call and receive a second call, your phone emits a tone and displays a message.
Toacceptthesecond callandputtheactivecallonhold:
Press Talk `.
Toacceptthesecond callandendtheactivecall:
Press Menu / > End current call & answer.
Press End/Power ". If you subscribe to voicemail, the call is forwarded to your voicemail box, unless you set Call Forward or If Busy to a different number.
Toturnoff CallWaiting beforeacall:
Touch *70 before dialing the call. Call Waiting is reactivated once the call ends.
Making a Second Call
1.Place or receive a phone call.
2.While the call is active, press Menu / > Add call. (The first call is placed on hold.)
3.Enter a second phone number and press Talk ` to place the call.
Note: For quick ways to enter the number, press /.
Press End/Power " and then press Talk `.
Press Menu / > Swap calls.