uPSD3212A, uPSD3212C, uPSD3212CV
Output Macrocell (OMC)
Eight of the Output Macrocells (OMC) are con-
nected to Ports A and B pins and are named as
McellAB0-McellAB7. The other eight macrocells
are connected to Ports B and C pins and are
named as McellBC0-McellBC7. If an McellAB out-
put is not assigned to a specific pin in PSDsoft, the
Macrocell Allocator block assigns it to either Port A
or B. The same is true for a McellBC output on Port
B or C. Table 88 shows the macrocells and port
The Output Macrocell (OMC) architecture is
shown in Figure 57. As shown in the figure, there
are native product terms available from the AND
Array, and borrowed product terms available (if
unused) from other Output Macrocells (OMC). The
polarity of the product term is controlled by the
XOR gate. The Output Macrocell (OMC) can im-
plement either sequential logic, using the flip-flop
element, or combinatorial logic. The multiplexer
selects between the sequential or combinatorial
logic outputs. The multiplexer output can drive a
port pin and has a feedback path to the AND Array
The flip-flop in the Output Macrocell (OMC) block
can be configured as a D, T, JK, or SR type in PS-
Dsoft. The flip-flop’s clock, preset, and clear inputs
may be driven from a product term of the AND Ar-
ray. Alternatively, CLKIN (PD1) can be used for
the clock input to the flip-flop. The flip-flop is
clocked on the rising edge of CLKIN (PD1). The
preset and clear are active High inputs. Each clear
input can use up to two product terms.
Table 88. Output Macrocell Port and Data Bit Assignments
Note: 1. McellAB0-McellAB7 can only be assig ned to Port B in the 52-pin package.
2. Port PC0, PC1, PC5 and PC6 are assigned to JTAG pins, and are not available as macrocell outputs
Macrocell Port
Assignment(1) Native Product Terms Maximum Borrowed
Product Terms Data Bit for Loading or
McellAB0 Port A0, B0 3 6 D0
McellAB1 Port A1, B1 3 6 D1
McellAB2 Port A2, B2 3 6 D2
McellAB3 Port A3, B3 3 6 D3
McellAB4 Port A4, B4 3 6 D4
McellAB5 Port A5, B5 3 6 D5
McellAB6 Port A6, B6 3 6 D6
McellAB7 Port A7, B7 3 6 D7
McellBC0 Port B 0(2) 45D0
McellBC1 Port B 1(2) 45D1
McellBC2 Port B2, C2 4 5 D2
McellBC3 Port B3, C3 4 5 D3
McellBC4 Port B4, C4 4 6 D4
McellBC5 Port B 5(2) 46D5
McellBC6 Port B 6(2) 46D6
McellBC7 Port B7, C7 4 6 D7