uPSD3212A, uPSD3212C, uPSD3212CV
Table 82. InstructionsNote: 1. All bus cycles are WRITE bus cycles, except the ones with th e “Read” label
2. All values are in hexadecimal:
3. X = Don’t care. Addresses of the form XXXXh, in this table, must be ev en addresses
4. RA = Address of the memory location to be read
5. RD = Data READ from location RA during the READ cycle
6. PA = Address of the memory location to be programmed. Addresses are latched on the falling edge of WRITE Strobe (WR, CNTL0).
7. PA is an even address for PSD in Word Programming Mode.
8. PD = Data word to be programmed at location PA. Data is latched on t he rising edge of WRITE Strobe (WR, CNTL0)
9. SA = Address of the sector to be erased or ve rified. T he Sect or Selec t (FS0- FS3 o r CSBOOT0 -CSBO OT1) of t he sect or to b e
erased, or verified, must be Active (High).
10. Sector Select (FS0-FS3 or CSBOOT0-CSBOOT1) signals are active High, and are defined in PSDsoft Express.
11. Only address Bits A11-A0 are used in instruction decoding .
12. No Unlock or instruction cycles are required when the devic e is in the READ Mode
13. The RESET Instruction is required to return to the READ Mode afte r readi ng th e Sec tor P rotec tion S tat us, or if the E rror Fl ag Bit
(DQ5) goes High.
14. Additional sectors to be erased must be written at the end of t he Sector Erase instruction within 80µs.
15. The data is 00h for an unprotected sector, and 01h for a pr otected sec tor. In the fourt h cycle, th e Sector Sele ct is active, and
16. The system may perform READ and Program cycles i n non-erasing sectors, read the Sector Protection Status when in t he Suspend
Sector Erase Mode. The Suspend Sector Eras e i ns truction is valid only during a Sector Erase cycle.
17. The Resume Sector Erase instruction is valid only during the Suspend Sector Erase Mode.
18. The MCU cannot invoke these instructions while executin g code fr om the sa me Fla sh me mory as that fo r whic h the ins truc tio n is
intended. The MCU must retriev e, f or ex amp le, the code from th e sec on dary Flas h me mor y when rea ding the Sec tor P rot ectio n
Status of the primary Flash memory.
Instruction FS0-FS3 or
CSBOOT1 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7
READ(5) 1“Read”
READ Sector
Protection(6,8,11) 1AAh@
X555h 55h@
XAAAh 90h@
X555h Read status @
Program a Flash
Byte(11) 1AAh@
X555h 55h@
XAAAh A0h@
X555h PD@ PA
Flash Sector
Erase(7,11) 1AAh@
X555h 55h@
XAAAh 80h@
X555h AAh@ X555h 55h@
XAAAh 30h@
SA 30h(7)@
next SA
Flash Bulk
Erase(11) 1AAh@
X555h 55h@
XAAAh 80h@
X555h AAh@ X555h 55h@
XAAAh 10h@
Suspend Sector
Erase(9) 1B0h@
Resume Sector
Erase(10) 130h@
RESET(6) 1F0h@