uPSD3212A, uPSD3212C, uPSD3212CV
Table 78. Transceiver DC CharacteristicsNote: 1. VCC = 5V ± 10%; VSS = 0V ; TA = 0 to 70°C.
2. Level guaranteed for ran ge of VCC = 4.5V to 5.5V.
3. With RPU, external idle resistor, 7.5κ±2%, D- to VCC.
Table 79. Transceiver AC CharacteristicsNote: 1. VCC = 5V ± 10%; VSS = 0V ; TA = 0 to 70°C.
2. Level guaranteed for ran ge of VCC = 4.5V to 5.5V.
3. With RPU, external idle resistor, 7.5κ±2%, D- to VCC.
4. CL of 50pF(75ns) to 350pF (300ns).
5. Measured at crossove r po int of differential data signals.
6. USB specification ind icates 330ns.
Symb Parameter Test Conditions(1) Min Max Unit
VOH Static Output High 15kΩ ± 5% to GND(2,3) 2.8 3.6 V
VOL Static Output Low Notes 2, 3 — 0.3 V
VDI Differential Input Sensitivity |(D+) - (D-)|,
Figure 43., page 86 0.2 — V
VCM Differential Input Common Mode Figure 43., page 86 0.8 2.5 V
VSE Single Ended Receiver Threshold — 0.8 2.0 V
CIN Transceiver Capacitance — — 20 pF
IIO Data Line (D+, D-) Leakage 0V < (D+,D-) < 3.3 –10 10 µA
RPU External Bus Pull-up Resistance, D- 7.5kΩ ± 2% to VCC 7.35 7.65 kΩ
RPD External Bus Pull-down Resistance 15kΩ ± 5% 14.25 15.75 kΩ
Symb Parameter Test Conditions(1) Min Max Unit
tDRATE Low Speed Data Rate Ave. bit rate (1.5Mb/s ± 1.5%) 1.4775 1.5225 Mbit/s
tDJR1 Receiver Data Jitter Tolerance To next transition,
Figure 43.,page86(5) –75 75 ns
tDJR2 Differential Input Sensitivity For paired trans ition,
Figure 43.,page86(5) –45 45 ns
tDEOP Differential to EOP Transition Skew Figure 44.,page87(5 ) –40 100 ns
tEOPR1 EOP Width at Receiver Rejects as EOP(5,6) 165 — ns
tEOPR2 EOP Width at Receiver Accepts as EOP(5) 675 — ns
tEOPT Source EOP Width — –1.25 1.50 µs
tUDJ1 Differential Driver Jitter To next transition,
Figure 45.,page87 –95 95 ns
tUDJ2 Differential Driver Jitter To paired transition,
Figure 45.,page87 –150 150 ns
tR USB Data Transition Rise Time Notes 2, 3, 4 75 300 ns
tF USB Data Transition Fall Time No tes 2, 3, 4 75 300 ns
tRFM Ris e/Fall Time Matching tR / tF80 120 %
VCRS Output Signal Crossover Volt age — 1.3 2.0 V