Enter the values you would like to set in the screen by pressing the number keys. Press ENT (Enter) when you are finished to set the new values or CLR (Clear) to erase the current values and reenter new ones. To set the values in the next field, press ENT (Enter) to close the screen shown above. Then select the next number field to enter new values.
For fields with a decimal point (X.X) enter the number assuming there is a decimal point present. For instance, to enter a 5.8 into an X.X field simply enter "58."
Pressing this button will take the user to another screen where more machine parameters can be viewed and adjusted.
(Dryer Menu Screen)
The screen shown above will allow the operator to set/review operating parameters for the following:
•DEW PT SETUP (Dew Point Setup)
Pressing the DRYER STATUS button will take the operator back to the original status screen shown on page 35.
Pressing MAIN MENU will return you back to the menu screen.
Dryer Setup
There are four (4) dryer setup pages. Use the MORE and BACK buttons to switch between the dryer setup screens.
(Dryer Setup Screen - 1 of 4)
Large Dehumidifying Dryers | Controls | 38 |