C H A P T E R 2
Installing and Setting Up the Driver
This chapter explains how to download and install the nxge driver. The nxge gigabit Ethernet driver (nxge(7D)) is a
This chapter contains the following sections:
■“Downloading and Installing the Driver on a Solaris SPARC or x86 Platform” on page 5
■“Downloading and Installing the Driver on a Linux Platform” on page 9
Downloading and Installing the Driver on a Solaris SPARC or x86 Platform
If your system uses the Solaris SPARC or x86 operating system you will need to download and install the nxge device driver for Solaris platforms.
▼To Download the Driver on a Solaris Platform
1.Locate and download the nxge device driver software at the following web site: http://www.sun.com/products/networking/ethernet/index.html