14 Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April 2008
Setup Command
The Setup command has the following synopsis:
java com.sun.tdk.signaturetest.Setup [arguments]
TABLE2-2 describes the available command arguments and the values that they
accept. Before running the command, also see these sections: CLASSPATH and
-classpath Settings” on page 10 and “Case Sensitivity of Command Arguments”
on page 16.
Command Description
The Setup command accepts a reference implementation of an API as input. The
commandprocesses the API input to generate a signature file that represents the API
to be used as a reference of comparison for the purpose of signature testing.
Setup processes the API input in the static mode by parsing the set of classes
specified with the -classpath arguments.
Also see Appendix A for an example of the command that you can run.
TABLE2-2 Setup Command Arguments
SetupOption Description
-help Optional. Displays usage information for available
command argumentsand exits.
-debug Optional. Enables printing of the stack trace for
debugging purposes if Setup fails.
-static Required.Specifies to run in static mode.
-classpath path Required.Specifies the path to one or more APIs
that generate the signaturefile. Can contain
multiple directoriesor ZIP or JAR files. The
-package argumentfurther refines the set of
classes specifiedin -classpath (see
CLASSPATH and -classpath Settings” on
page10). There is no default -classpath. Use
the path separator appropriatefor the platform