Chapter 2 Using the Signature Test Tool 15
-TestURL path Optional. Specifiesthe directory location in which
to createthe signature file as a file protocol URL:
Must end in a trailing slash on a UNIX system or a
backslash on a MicrosoftWindows or DOS system.
Setup does not support the HTTP protocol.
-FileName file_name Required.Specifies the name of the signature file to
be created.
-ClosedFile Optional. The default if not specified.Specifies to
include in the signaturefile all direct and indirect
superclassesfor all required classes (tested classes),
even if these superclasses arenon-public or from
untested packages.
-NonClosedFile Optional. Declines the default -ClosedFile
mode previouslydescribed. Does not include all
directand indirect superclasses and superinterfaces
of tested classes in the signature file
-package package_or_class_name Optional.Specifies a class or package to be included
in the signature file,including its subpackages if a
packageis specified. The -package value acts as a
filteron the set of classes specified in
-classpath.The default is all classes. Repeat the
argumentto specify multiple entries.
Optional. Similar to the -package option, this
specifiesa package to be included but without its
subpackages. Repeat the option to specify multiple
-exclude package_or_class_name Optional. Specifiesa package or class to be
excluded fromthe signaturefile, including its
subpackages.Repeat the option for multiple entries.
Excludes duplicate entries specifiedby the
-package or the
-PackageWithoutSubpackages option.
-verbose Optional. Enables error diagnostics for inherited
class members.
-apiVersion version_string Optional. Specifiesthe API version string to be
recordedin the second line of the signature file, as
described in “SignatureFile Contents” on page 17.
TABLE2-2 SetupCommand Arguments (Continued)
SetupOption Description