24 Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April 2008
5. Change the following two arguments in the executeArgs value of the test
description filein use.
Change the argument to the -FileName option in the test description to
correspond to the signature file name. It will look something like this:
-FileName ./name.sig
Change the argument to the -package option in the test description to the
top-level package you are testing:
-package package_name
When these items are in place, the JavaTestharness handles execution of the
signature test as part of the test suite. It does so by executing the following class by
specifying it in the test description fileas the value of the executeClass parameter
with arguments specified by the executeArgs parameter:
Report Formats
Youcan cause SignatureTest command report messages to be sorted (default), or
unsorted by specifying the -FormatPlain flag at the command line. See
CODEEXAMPLE A-4 under “Example SignatureTest Command” on page 32 to see
a sorted report that was generated into a plain text file with the -out option. Report
messages contain the following types of information:
The versions of both the reference API and the API under test
The total number of errors found
The differences such as added or missing classes, superclasses,fields, or methods
The fully qualified name of the enclosing class related to any missing or added
Twoerrors for any modified item, one for a missing item and another for an
added item
A description of any incompatibility in the API implementation under test

Sorted Report

Report messages are sorted by default. Unlike the unsorted format, duplicate
messages are removed. Toaccurately compare the error totals between formats, the
sorted report prints two error counts: the total number of errors and the total
number of duplicates.
The sorted report groups error messages by category of differencewith classes
within each category ordered alphabetically by name, and empty categories are
ignored. This is the category ordering sequence: