26 Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April 2008
SetupAndTest Command
The SetupAndTest command has the following synopsis:
java com.sun.tdk.signaturetest.SetupAndTest [arguments]
TABLE2-6 describes all arguments available to the SetupAndTest command. See
“Case Sensitivity of Command Arguments” on page 16 and CLASSPATH and
-classpath Settings” on page 10.SetupAndTest requires sigtestdev.jar in
the CLASSPATH environment variable.
Command Description
SetupAndTest is a wrapper command that runs only in the static mode to execute
the Setup and SignatureTest commands in one operation. It performs these
1. Calls the Setup command to create a signature file from the reference API
specified as input. It creates a temporary signaturefile if no name is specified for
it with the -FileName option.
2. Calls the SignatureTest command to make the comparison and produce a
TABLE2-6 SetupAndTest Command Argument
-help Optional. Displays usage information for
available command argumentsand exits.
-reference path Required.Specifies the path to the classes to
be used for creatingthe signature file.
-test path Required.Path to the packages being tested.
-FileName file Optional.Specifies the signature file name.
The command execution uses a temporary
fileif not specified.
-package package_or_class_name Optional. Specifiesa class or package to be
reportedon, including its subpackages if a
packageis specified. This argument acts as a
filteron the set of classes or packages that
aretested and reported on. The default is all
classes and packages. Repeat the argument
to specify multiple entries.