Chapter 2 Using the Signature Test Tool 21
-CheckValue Specifiesto check the values of primitive and
stringconstants. This option generates an error if
a signaturefile does not contain the data
necessary for constant checking.
-NoCheckValue Specifiesnot to check the values of primitive and
string constants.
-ClassCacheSize size_of_cache Optional. Used in static mode only.Default is
1024. Specifiesthe size of the class cache as a
numberof classes to be held in memory to reduce
execution time. Increasingthis value dedicates
morememory to this function.
-classpath path Optional. Specifiesthe path to one or more APIs
to be tested. Defaults to the classes contained in
thesignature file under test. Can contain multiple
directoriesor ZIP or JAR files. The -package
argumentfilters the set of classes specified in
-classpath (see CLASSPATH and
-classpathSettings” on page 10). Uses the path
separatorappropriate for the platform (identified
-TestURL URL Optional. Specifiesthe directory location of the
signaturefile as a file protocol URL:
Must end in a trailing forward slash on a UNIX
systemor a backslash on a Microsoft Windows or
DOS system.
-FileName file_name Requiredif -Files is not specified.. Specifies
the name of a signaturefile to be used.
-Files file_names Requiredif -FileName is not specified. Use this
argumentfor testing a combination of APIs
representedby corresponding signature files.
Specifiesthe names of the signature files to be
used delimited by a file separator.The file
separator on UNIX systems is a colon (:)
character,and on Microsoft Windows systems it
is a semicolon (;). See “Signature File Merge
Rules”on page 11 for details on the rules used for
TABLE2-5 SignatureTestCommand Arguments (Continued)
Option Description