Appendix A Quick Start Examples 33
3. Compilethe V2.0/ source file version with this command, noting
that this newly compiled version serves as the implementation class under test.
% javac -d V2.0 V2.0/
This step generates the following new class file to be tested against the
test.sig file in the next step:
4. Runthe SignatureTest command against the new class file using the -out
option to direct the results to a report.txt filewith this command:
To set t he CLASSPATH,seeCLASSPATH and -classpath Settings” on page 10.
The command produces a console message similar to this:
STATUS:Failed.3 errors
5. Examinethe result of the comparison made by the tool in the newly created
report.txt filenoting that it should be similar to CODE EXAMPLE A-4 with
possible differences due to your system characteristics.
This report file lists the tested differencesbetween the reference API and the
implementation under test. Also see “Report Formats” on page 24.
Note – Save the files you created in this procedurefor use next in “Example
SetupAndTest Command”on page34.
% java -cp V2.0:$CLASSPATH \ \
-apiVersion 2.0 \
-package example \
-FileName test.sig \
-out report.txt
CODEEXAMPLE A-4 The report.txt File
SignatureTest report
Tested version: 2.0
Check mode: src [throws normalized]
Constant checking: off
Missing Methods
example.test: method public <%0 extends java.lang.Object> {%%0}