34 Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April 2008
Example SetupAndTest Command
The following procedure runs the SetupAndTest command to create a new
test2.sig file from the input API class, and compare it with the specified
example package.

Running the SetupAndTest Command

Thisprocedure assumes the same current working directory as the previous example
in “RunningSignatureTest Without the JavaTest Harness” on page 32, and the same
environmentsetup. It uses these files from previous examples:
./V1.0/example/test.class - The API class used as the reference
./V2.0/example/test.class - The API under test
1. Set the JRE environment variable for access to the Java runtime environment
The SetupAndTest command running in static mode must have access to all
superclassesand superinterfaces of any public classes that are under test, such as
% setenv JRE Java-Home/jre/lib/rt.jar
Where Java-Home is the base directory of the Java runtime environment
2. Run the following SetupAndTest command:
Added Methods
example.test: method public java.lang.String example.test.get(int)
example.test: method public void example.test.put()
STATUS:Failed.3 errors
CODEEXAMPLE A-4 The report.txt File