32 Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April 2008
Example SignatureTest Command
This section illustrates how to run SignatureTest from the command line without
the JavaTestharness. Also see “Running a Signature Test With the JavaTestHarness”
on page 23 to see how the signature test is run automatically during a test run.

Running SignatureTest Without the JavaTest


Thisprocedure uses the same test.sig file (contents in CODE EXAMPLE A-2) and the
same environment setup created in “Running the Setup Command” on page 30.
1. If necessary,perform the procedure previously described in “Running the
Setup Command” on page 30.
The procedure sets variables and creates the test.sig filethat is used in
subsequent steps.
2. Using your favorite text editor, copy the code contents shown in
CODEEXAMPLE A-3 into a second version of the test.java file and save it in a
newly created V2.0 subdirectory with this as the resulting path to the file:
CODEEXAMPLE A-3 The V2.0/test.java File
package example;
public class test {
public String get (int x) {
return "";
public void put () {