16 Signature Test Tool 2.0 User’s Guide April 2008
Case Sensitivity of Command Arguments
Thespecification of each argument flag at the command line is not case sensitive, but
the input value entered immediately after the argument flag is case sensitive.
The following two command lines produce identical results for the -FileName flag:
% java com.sun.tdk.signaturetest.Setup -FileName name.sig
% java com.sun.tdk.signaturetest.Setup -filename name.sig
However,these two might not produce identical results if the host operating system
is case sensitive to the file name values entered:
% java com.sun.tdk.signaturetest.Setup -FileName name.sig
% java com.sun.tdk.signaturetest.Setup -FileName NAME.sig
Signature File Formats
The SigTesttool has changed signature file formats through progressive versions.
TABLE2-3 lists the existing signature file formats and describes how each relates to a
specific SigTesttool version. In SigTest tool 1.5, the SignatureTest and Merge
commands read v2.1 and later signature files, andoutput only v4.0. The v4.0 file
format supports added functionality,such as generics and annotations.
TABLE2-3 Signature File Format Compatibility
Format Description
v0 Generatesa signature file with simple class member names. This was
the default format in SigTesttool 1.0, but is not supported by
SignatureTest command in SigTesttool 1.3 and later.
v1 Generates a signaturefile with fully qualified class member names.
This was the default format in SigTesttool 1.1. This format includes
non-normalized exception throwlists for constructors and methods.
Normalizing the throw list involves removingall superfluous
exception classes. A class is superfluousif it is a subclass of either
the java.lang.RuntimeException class, or the
java.lang.Errorclass, or another class from the same list. This
format is not supported by SignatureTest command in SigTest
tool 1.3 and later.
v2 This is the default format for SigTesttool 1.2. Generates a signature
filewith fully qualified class member names and modified supr
statements. This format includes normalized exception throwlists for
constructors and methods. This format is not supported by
SignatureTest command in SigTesttool 1.3 and later.