Chapter 2 Using the Signature Test Tool 23
Running a Signature Test With the JavaTestHarness
Although the SignatureTest command can be run by itself, SignatureTest can
also be executed as a test by the JavaTestharness. This section describes the items
that must be in place in a test suite to perform the signature test with the JavaTest
harness. If you are developing an API, it is advisable to provide a signature test
along with any behavioral tests you develope for that API. For information on how
to create a test suite see the JavaTestArchitect's Guide available at:
Also see Appendix A for an example of running the SignatureTest command
from the command line without the JavaTestharness.
The following procedure describes how to add the signature test to your test suite
for use with the JavaTestharness.
1. Createthe .sig file as described in Setup Command” on page 14.
2. Createthe following directory in your test suite and copy your .sig file to it:
Where test_suite-path is the path to the base directory of the test suite installation.
3. Usethe jar utility to extract the classes from sigtest.jar into the /classes
directory of your test suite, for example:
% jar -xvf path/sigtest.jar
The sigtest.jar file contains the classes necessary to run the signature test
under the control of the JavaTestharness during a test run. You use the
sigtestdev.jar only for signature test development purposes.
4. Dependingon which test description file you use, copy one of the test
description filesprovided in the SigTest tool distribution to the tests/
directory in your test suite.
The test description files arelocated in the following directory of the SigTesttool
installation along with the other sample signature test files:
Open these files now in your favorite text editor to review their contents.
If you use the tag-based test description file, copy to the
following location, but if you use the HTML test description file, copy
SignatureTest.html to this location instead:
Where testsuite-path is the path to the base of the test suite installation.