Memory Mode
If this item is set to Independent, all DIMMs are available to the operating system. If this item is set to Channel Mirroring, the motherboard maintains two identical copies of all data in memory for redundancy. If this item is set to Lockstep, the motherboard uses two areas of memory to run the same set of operations in par- allel. The options are Independent, Channel Mirroring, Lockstep, and Sparing.
Demand Scrubbing
This is a memory
Patrol Scrubbing
This is a memory
Channel Interleave
This feature allows the user to configure the Memory Interleave settings for an onboard memory channel. The options are
Bank Interleave
This feature allows the user to configure the Memory Interleave settings for an onboard memory bank. The options are
Throttling - Closed Loop
Throttling improves reliability and reduces power in the processor by automatic voltage control during processor idle states. Available options are Disabled and Enabled.
North Bridge Chipset Configuration
This feature allows the user to configure North Bridge settings. The items included in the submenu are listed below.
•NB Revision: This item displays the North Bridge revision number.
Intel I/OAT
The Intel I/OAT (I/O Acceleration Technology) significantly reduces CPU overhead by leveraging CPU architectural improvements, freeing resources for more other tasks. The options are Disabled and Enabled.