Select "Balanced/BL" for the onboard fans to run at a speed that will balance the needs between system cooling and power saving. The BL setting is recommended for regular systems with normal hardware configurations. Select "Energy Saving/ES" for best power efficiency and maximum quietness. The Options are: Full Speed/FS, Performance/PF, Balanced/BL, and Energy Saving/ES.
Voltage Monitoring
CPU1 Vcore, CPU2 Vcore, CPU1 DIMM, CPU2 DIMM, 1.1V, 1.5V, 3.3V, 5V, 12V,
ACPI Configuration
Use this feature to configure Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) power management settings for your system.
High Precision Event Timer
Select Enabled to activate the High Precision Event Timer (HPET) that produces periodic interrupts at a much higher frequency than a
ACPI Aware O/S
Select Yes to enable ACPI support for an operating system that supports ACPI. Select No to disable ACPI support for an OS that does not support ACPI. The op- tions are Yes and No.
ACPI APIC Support (Available ACPI Aware O/S='Yes')
Select Enabled to include the ACPI APIC Table Pointer in the RSDT (Root System Description Table) pointer list. The options are Enabled and Disabled.
When this item is set to Enabled, APIC ACPI SCI IRQ is supported by the system. The options are Enabled and Disabled.
Headless Mode (Available ACPI Aware O/S='Yes')
This feature is used to enable system to function without a keyboard, monitor or mouse attached The options are Enabled and Disabled.