SPT 1700 Series Product Reference G uide
Conducting Wireless HotSync OperationsUsing HotSync you can take advantage of the LAN and WAN connectivity available in
business environments. You can dial in to a network or use a cradle that is connected to
any computer on your LAN or WAN (provided that the computer connected to the cradle
also has HotSync installed, your computer is on, and the HotSync Mana ger is running).
Setting Up for a Wireless HotSync The SPT 1733, 1734, and 174x terminals allow you to perform a HotSync without u sing a
cradle over a terminal specific wireless LAN (174x) or WAN (173x). This section describes
the setup necessary for a wireless HotSync to occur.
Before a wireless HotSync can be performed, each terminal must be prop erly configured
for use. Refer to Chapter 2, Network Setup for specific instructions for each termin al.
Once the terminal is properly configured for use, it must be set up to pe rform a wireless
HotSync over the LAN or WAN.
To properly configure your terminal:
1. Tap the icon to open the Applications Launcher.
2. Tap the icon to open the HotSync application.
3. Tap the icon to display the HotSync Options menu and select Modem Sync
Select Network and tap OK.
4. Tap LANSync Prefs from the Options menu and select Local HotSync.
5. Tap Primary PC Setup on the Options menu.
Note:The Primary PC Setup is extremely important! It tells the terminal
how to locate the machine which it will synchronize with on the