SPT 1700 Series Product Reference G uide
The Receiving Demo Screen displays:
To submit the collected data, tap the Submit option. When the submission is
complete, the fields clear and you can continue collecting data.
Scanning 2-Dimensional Bar Codes
Some models of the SPT 1700 perform 2-Dimensional bar code scanning. To scan a 2-
dimensional PDF417 bar code:
1. Aim the scanner at the PDF bar code and press the trigger.
2. Hold the trigger down and keep the scan line parallel to the rows of the symbol .
3. Manually raster the scan line by slowly moving the scanner up and down so i t
scans the entire bar code at a rate of one inch per second.
Item Code Contains the data for an item code once it is
scanned. A one or two-dimensional bar code
can be scanned to fill this field.
Quantity This drop-down menu allows you to select the
appropriate quantity.
Location Contains the location data for a location bar
code once it is scanned. You can also use
Graffiti to enter the location data in this field.
Only one-dimensional bar codes can be used
to fill this field.
Please Sign Here Sign your name here using the stylus.