Working with Your SPT 1700 Terminal
To beam information:
1. Locate the entry, category, business card or application you want to beam.
2. Tap the icon.
3. Tap the Beam command from the Record menu to open the Beam Status screen.
4. Point the IR port directly at the IR port of the receiving SPT 1700 terminal.
Tip: SPT 1700 terminals transmit data at varying dist ances up to three ft.,
depending on lighting conditions when IR is activated. For best results, the IR
windows should be aligned and clear of obstacles.
5. Wait for the Beam Status screen to indicate that the transfer is complete befor e you
continue working on your SPT 1700 terminal.
To receive beamed information:
1. Turn on your SPT 1700 terminal.
2. Point the IR port directly at the IR port of the transmitting S PT 1700 terminal to open
the Beam Status screen.
3. Tap the Yes button to accept the transmission.
4. Wait for the Beam Status screen to indicate that the transfer is complete, then tap
the OK button to display the new entry.
Note:Incoming entries are filed under the “Unfiled” category.