Models 8752, 8756, 8757 Operating Procedures
Step 10
After5 mi nutes, open the prime plug. Press thePUMP
key. Pull the draw handle down and draw off the
Figure 41
Step 11
Once the sanitizer stops flowing from the door spout,
close the draw valve. Press the PUM P and WASH
keys to stop operation. Disconnect the pressure line
from the pressure switch. Drain the sanitizer and
Note: On the Models 8756 and 8757, momentarily
pulldown the center dr aw handle to sanitize the center
door spout.
Step 12
RepeatSteps 1 through 11 for the second f reezing
cylinder on the Models 8756 and 8757.
Step 13
Prepare a sink with an approved sanitizing solution
(examples: Stera SheenRor Kay - 5R). USE WARM
Step 14
Takethe following parts to the s ink and sanitize: mix
tank(s), mix tank cover(s), mix probe(s), mix st orage
cover(s) and funnel(s).
Step 1
Place the mix tank and the cover in the mix cabinet.
Step 2
Insert the prongs of the mix probe inside the mix tank
and connect the mix probe in the socket receptacle.
Figure 42
Step 3
Place the free end of the suction line down in the mix
Figure 43
Step 4
Install the funnel. Fill the mix tank with fresh mix.
Note: Use only fresh mix when priming the freezer.
Figure 44
Remove the funnel and install the mix storage cov er.
Close the mix cabinet door.