Before You Begin
What you want to know | Go to page ... |
Parts checklist —
everything that was in the Thomson Lyra box
Buttons —
where they are and what they do
Setup information — Step-by-Step instructions
The Thomson Lyra QuickStart Guide (the printed foldout that came with your Thomson Lyra AV Jukebox) stepped you through the basics of installing software and downloading files.
If you need more detail, you’re in the right place — go to page 8 for
Operation — the details
If the information on the printed QuickStart guide wasn’t enough, this section gives you a little more detail about the basics of sorting and playing music on your Thomson Lyra AV Jukebox.
to questions and solutions to problems
— FAQ and Troubleshooting
Unpack the box and check your parts
Your Thomson Lyra AV Jukebox came with everything you need to make music portable- all of the items shown below should have been packed in the box with your Thomson Lyra AV Jukebox.
| age |
| an |
| M | |
| c |
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s |
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u |
Softw a r e
Thomson Lyra A/V | AC/DC adapter charger | Music Management CD |
Jukebox |
| contains the Thomson |
model number |
| Lyra AV Jukebox |
PDP2860 |
| Applications & |
| MusicMatch Jukebox |
| software |
Ear Buds- plug into the | Carrying case |
Headphones jack on |
the side of the |
Thomson Lyra AV |
Jukebox |
Line out cable — connects Thomson Lyra A/V Jukebox to a component, such as a TV, with video and audio capability. For details, go to Chapter 3.
Line in cable — connects Thomson Lyra A/V Jukebox to a component, such as a TV, with video and audio capability. For details, go to Chapter 3.
Mini USB cable Plug the small end into the USB port on the top end of the Thomson Lyra A/V Jukebox, and plug the other end into your computer’s USB port. For details, go to page 11.
Car adapter kit and cassette adapter. For details, go to page 25.
Chapter 1 | 5 |