Performance Verification
P5205 Instruction Manual 33
7. Set the generatorto 100 MHz, and set the oscilloscope to
5 ns/division. Check for 2.1 V amplitude.
8. Disconnect the setup.
1. Set the attenuation of the probe to 50X.
2. Set the oscilloscopeinput coupling to DC, the vertic al to
50 mV/div, and the seconds/div to 200 s. Center the trace on the
display.Set the acquisition mode to average 32.
3. Attach the BNC-female-to-dual-banana adapte rt ot he DCoutput
of the generator (front of Wavetek 9100). Attach the modifie d
BNC adapter to the BNC-female-to-dual-banana adapter.
4. Attach the plunger clamps on the differential probe input leads.
5. Twist the input leads together as shown in Figure 3 on page 13,
and connect both probe inputs to the positive terminal of the
modified BNC adapter.
6. Adjust the offset on the probe output to zero.
WARNING. Generator produces hazardousvoltages. To avoid risk of
shock, do not touch exposed metal parts after the generator output is
7. Set the output of the generator to 500 VDC.
8. Enable the output.
9. Check that the traceon the oscilloscope shifts less than3.33
divisions (167 mV) from center.
10.Disable t he generator output.