Follow the prescribed order in this subsection to install and test all cabling and alarm features:

A.Install Ground Cabling

B.Install Input Cabling

C.Install Intrabay & Interbay Cabling

D. Install Alarm Cabling

E.Test Inputs and Alarms Without Circuit Breakers

F.Install Output Cabling

— A. Install Ground Cabling


DANGER! DANGER! Failure to properly ground this equipment can create hazardous conditions to installation personnel and to the equipment.

GEFAHR! Bei unsachgemäßer Erdung besteht Gefahr für das Installationspersonal und das Gerät!

¡PELIGRO! La conexión incorrecta a tierra puede ser peligrosa tanto para los instaladores como para el equi- po.

DANGER ! Si vous ne reliez pas correctement cet équipement à la terre, son utilisation présente des dangers pour la personne qui l'installe ainsi que pour l'équipement.

A ground terminal is located near each of the panel’s mounting flanges. You need only connect to one of the grounds, as shown in the following illustration.

1.Use a UL-approved crimping tool to attach a UL-approved, 2-hole compression lug onto a ground wire. Size of ground depends on input interruption device.1

2.Lightly coat anti-oxidant electrical joint compound on lug, grounding terminal, and surrounding contacting surface. Then, con- nect lug to terminal using 1/4-in. KEPS nuts and washers from studs.

1.Refer to NEC Article 250-122 or IEEE grounding guidelines. Also, check operating company guidelines.

Telect, Inc. • USA +1.509.926.6000 • Mexico +


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