Flue Gas Analysis System General Information
Analytical Instruments
1 Overview
The Model 9700 analyzer system (see Figure 1) is an integrally
housed combination of analyzers designed to continuously monitor the two
primary components of flue gas which are the best indicators of combus-
tion efficiency and safe operation. Through use of volumetric percentage
measurements of oxygen and combustibles, it is possible to optimize the
air-fuel ratio and approach the idealized condition of stoichiometric com-
bustion. Additionally, monitoring of combustibles will assure a safe margin
to prevent combustible mixtures from approaching LEL levels as a result
of a malfunction, before boiler startup, etc. When necessary, appropriate
regulation of the combustion process can be made to reduce nitrogen oxide
(NOx) emissions and resultant air pollution.
The system is composed of the necessary components to educt a flue
gas sample, condition it for analysis, and monitor on a continuous basis the
percentage content of oxygen and combustible gases (see Figure 2).
When required, multipoint configurations, which automatically
monitor from two to twelve points on a time shared basis, are available.
Multipoint sequencing utilizes a stepping switch/timer which operates in
conjunction with a solenoid valve on each sample input to control the time
duration of the inflow. Indicating lights plus a recorder output show which
sample points are being monitored at any given time. Override switches
can be operated to omit any number of sample points from the monitoring
program. If necessary, time delays can prevent the inadvertent tripping of
alarms during the sample sequencing.