Figure 8.2 Figure 3. Block diagram of a medium sized intercom system using two-wire. The forms of communications depicted here are six conference lines and eight IFB circuits.

862 System Interconnect

The Model 862 System Interconnect Panel is the bridge between the Series 800 two-wire balanced portion and the unbalanced TW section.

PS31 Power Supply

The PS31 TW Power Supplies provide six powered conference channels (three each). All RTSpower supplies contain active impedance generators to allow two-wire intercom audio to be superimposed on the powered channels.

SAP1626 Source Assign Panel

The SAP1626 Source Assignment Panel provides the TW system with its own intercom circuit switcher. In our particular application, the SAP1626 panel provides two functions: it assigns each of the 2 TW channels (stations on the right) to 1 of 12 conferences amongst themselves; and, it fixes each of these conferences to one of the 12-talk/listen buttons on the 803 stations. This provides maximum routing capability, which would be more useful in a mobile vehicle than in the fixed installation.

BOP220 Connector Translation Assembly

The BOP220 is a breakout panel that allows the TW stations to be attached to the system. The BOP220 (Break Out Panel, 2 Channel, 20 Jacks) connects to the SAP1626 on two short 25 pair ribbon cables. There are 20 positions available for user stations. Microphone cable or Belden8723 is all that is required for interconnection.

4010 IFB Central Electronics Unit

Located in the audio room, the 4010 unit provides the logic switching and power and program volume adjustments for the 4030 talent user stations. One of the 4010 units handles the first group IFB 1-4, while the other controls the second group IFB 1-4. The program sources for the IFB system are introduced to the 4010 units and then fed to the talent stations on ordinary microphone cable.

C h a p t e r 8 - D e t e r m i n i n g I n t e r c o m N e e d s 119

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Image 133
Telex 38109-977 System Interconnect, PS31 Power Supply, SAP1626 Source Assign Panel, BOP220 Connector Translation Assembly