
Series Circuit






Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N or [S+N]/N)





Single Channel / Two Channel


include compounds. Some examples are semiconductor diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, transector overvoltage devices, thyristors, and carbonized substances.

1.The electrical output of a microphone for a given SPL input. Open circuit sensitivity is the output voltage a microphone produces (in dB relative to 1 volt) into an open-circuit load, at a sound pressure of 74 dB SPL (1 microbar or 0.1 pascal). In practice, this is hard to do because of ambient noise, so readings are taken at 94 dB and the calculation adjusted accordingly. 2. Defined as the on-axis sound pressure level at a distance 1 meter in front of a speaker driven by 1 watt continuous average input power of a specified waveform. 3. Defined for headsets to indicate the SPL generated for a given set of conditions. The Beyer DT 108 headphone has a sensitivity of 94 dB SPL produced for one milliwatt input. The Telex® PH10 headphone has a sensitivity of 105 dB SPL produced for one milliwatt input. A Telex® EMV -2 announcer earset has a sensitivity of


An arrangement of circuit elements, circuits, devices or systems such that the components are arranged and connected end to end to form a single current path.

An electrostatic shield prevents crosstalk from one conductor to another by blocking the electric field. For example: by shielding wires in a cable, crosstalk can be dramatically reduced. A magnetic shield prevents electromagnetic coupling of undesired signals from one transformer to another. For example: the magnetic field from a power transformer to an audio output transformer can be attenuated by mu metal shielding.

A highly directional microphone for long distance pickup. Looks like a shotgun.

In the truest sense, sidetone is a small amount of microphone signal that is fed back to the earphone of the individual speaking into the microphone. In RTS™ TW user stations, the null balance control is sometimes used to adjust the amount of sidetone the user hears. This control is sometimes (technically erroneously) called the sidetone control. Other RTS™ TW equipment have both null balance adjustments and a true sidetone adjustment (Models 802, 848 for example).

The name applied to visual, audible, or electrical energy that carries information.

In a given circuit, device, or system, the ratio of the Signal plus Noise to Noise. The noise spoken of is the residual noise in the system when no signal is present. The signal is a signal at a reference level representing typical operating conditions of the system. This ratio is usually specified across a frequency band. The S/N ratio of a microphone is specified at a given SPL ratio. For example, a S/N ratio of 60 dB at 94 dB SPL is considered good, 65 dB, very good, 70 dB is excellent.

Symbol for summation, also used to indicate a summing amplifier or summing function. Signaling in these intercoms has several meanings. In the TW system, signaling is accomplished by a blinking light initiated from any Call Light equipped station on that channel. Signaling is often used to get attention such as getting someone to put their headset back on, or getting a sound mixer person to turn down the monitor speaker and talk on the intercom. Signaling can also be used as a visual cue. The blinking light can be used for a cue, but theatre productions often prefer a steady light. The light coming on is a “Standby” signal. The light going from on to off is an “Execute” signal.

Simplex communication is one person at a time. There is only one communication channel available and it is unidirectional at a time, usually in the direction determined by the call initiator. An example of this is a CB or Citizens Band radio.

Unbalanced, using circuit common or “ground” as a return lead.

In the RTS™ Systems TW Intercom system, most user stations are two channel. Other channel numbers available (some optional some standard) are 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 24. The term channels usually is applied to conference style user stations. The TW system can carry two channels on a standard microphone cable. Other systems carry one balanced channel (Telex® AudioCom®), or one unbalanced channel (Clear-Com®, Telex® AudioCom® in unbalanced mode, HME, Theatre Vision).

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. An organization that (among other things) pioneers standards used in the television industry.

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Telex 38109-977 manual Smpte