Headsets: Cameras: Double Muff CC60
Cables: Standard Microphone Cables with
RTS TW Party-Line Equipment Listing #2
Power Supply: PS31 Rack Mount (2RU)
Director’s Station: MCE325 (Modular Mount: Rack/Desk/Console (1RU)
Switcher’s Station MRT327 (Modular Mount: Rack/Desk/Console (1RU)
Video: WM300L: Wall Mount (2 gang box)
Graphics: WM300 Wall Mount (2 gang box)
Cameras and Floor Managers: BP351 Belt Packs
Headsets Director, Floor Managers, Video, Graphics: Single Muff:
Headsets Cameras:
IFB’s: IFB325 Earsets:
Splitter: TW5W Cables:
Standard Microphone Cables with
Note Ignore /2, both channels are in one microphone cable.
Application 3 Theater System
Figure 3.5 Theater application.
The third application is a theater application, see Figure
26 H a n d b o o k o f I n t e r c o m S y s t e m s E n g i n e e r i n g