matrix panels, these keys can be programmed either at the panel itself, or from the configuration computer (not shown) that is attached to the Zeus.
IFB828 IFB Power Supply
This unit is the Model 4010’s matrix brother. Since all priority, tally, and interrupt chores and handled by the Zeus™ matrix, the IFB828 acts simply as a power center for the 4030 talent stations. There are eight of these circuits available. The program sources from the audio console are connected directly to the Zeus on the same ports that are used by the IFB828.
SSA324 System-to-System Adapter
The SSA324 changes a
PS15 Power Supply
Provides operating voltage, with active impedance generator, to the BP325, BP318’s, and the
SAP612 Source Assign Panel
Since a matrix typically assumes more of the traffic management role than our previous
MRT327-K Modular User Station
PAP951 Program Assign Panel and UIO256 GPI
These ancillary devices attach to a special connector on the matrix. No extra ports are required, preserving the maximum size of the matrix. Meaning, more of these units can be added to the system. The PAP951, located in the Audio position, allows the operator to quickly assign programs to IFB circuits. The unit attaches to the matrix on a digital pair, and no actual audio flows through this controller device.
The UIO256 is a 16x16 General Purpose Interface unit. It is included in our intercom for keying a
Cameras in the Medium Intercom
If the cameras can be set to
122 H a n d b o o k o f I n t e r c o m S y s t e m s E n g i n e e r i n g