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To install new firmware, the first step is to download it to your PC. You might receive this via
email from our support department, or you might find it on our website. After it is on your PC,
browse to locate it, then click the Upload button to install it into the iPort. It will be stored the
in bank checked in the ‘radio button’ above. For a unit in active use, you would store this in the
bank that is not currently active. When the firmware has been successfully uploaded, click the
Apply Selected Bank button to activate it.
V-Mixer and V-Mode
ese are additional functions that can be performed on Livewire streams. ese are the same as
in the Livewire Engine we provide as part of an Element mixing console package, so if you are
familiar with that, you will know how to use this.
V-Mixer offers a way to sum streams to create mixed new ones. e iPort has two 5-input
mixers. ere is a main output, which includes the sum of all inputs, two submix outputs, which
include the sum of each set of 5 inputs, and an individual unmixed output for each input. is
latter is used when only gain control is required, with no mixing.
V-Mode offers a simple function that is useful to split left/right channels, sum L+R, etc. e
iPort has 8 channels of V-Mode.
Normally, these would be used to pre- or post-condition LW channel audio before or after the
iPort’s inputs or outputs.
e virtual “fader” and other values may be entered into the V-Mixer and V-Mode Web page
for fixed, manual control. Or they can be supplied dynamically over a network connection,
using a special Telos/Axia protocol. e PathfinderPC software application offered by Axia can
control these values in realtime. e protocol description is available upon request to 3rd parties
who want to remotely control these iPort functions.
To Learn More
e axiaaudio.com website has a wealth of information on Livewire technology, the wide range
of LW-equipped gear, and partners. e telos-systems.com site has a lot of information on
MPEG codecs, networks, IP streaming, etc.
Our support team is standing-by to answer specific questions. In the USA, contact +1 216
241.7225. Worldwide, email support@telos-systems.com.