The Basics in 5 Short Tours
Sorting Programs You can view the Now Playing List either alphabetically by title (from A to Z) or by date
recorded. To change how the list is sorted:
1. From Now Playing, press ENTER on your TiVo remote to see Now Playing Options.
2. Highlight Sort, then press LEFT button to choose By Date Recorded. Then select View
Now Playing List With These Options.
When you return to Now Playing, programs are listed by the date they were recorded, with
the most recent at the top and the oldest at the bottom. TiVo Suggestions always appear at
the bottom of the list.
Grouping ProgramsWhen Groups are on, programs are organized into folders, and a number in parentheses to the
right of each folder shows how many programs it contains. To turn Groups on:
1. From Now Playing, press ENTER on your TiVo remote to see Now Playing Options.
2. Select Groups, then press RIGHT button to choose On. Then select View Now Playing List
With These Options. When you return to Now Playing, you’ll see a folder for
• Each television series with more than one recorded episode;
• Each auto-recording WishListTM search with a recorded program;
• TiVo Suggestions (if you have auto-recording of TiVo Suggestions turned on).
A program’s title may appear in more than one folder, even though there is only one recording
of the program. For example, you might have an auto-recording WishList search for an actor
who also appears in a series, and you have a Season PassTM for that series. Each episode of the
series will appear in two folders—one for the WishList search and one for the Season Pass
recording. If you delete the program in one folder, the title also disappears from the other.
From the Now Playing List, press 1
on the remote to change the sort
order of programs, or press 2 to turn
groups on or off.
A note at the bottom of the Now Playing List tells
you which sorting option you are using and
whether groups are on.