Pick Programs to Record
Browsing WishList Search ResultsSelect View All Upcoming WishList Programs to display a list of up to 10 upcoming programs
from each of your WishList searches—up to 200 programs total (so it may take a while to
display). To record a program, highlight its title and press SELECT.
To browse a single WishList search, select the search, then select View Upcoming Programs to
see a list of up to 200 unique programs that match. To record a program, highlight its title and
press SELECT.
Each auto-recording WishList search and its upcoming recordings are marked with a star .
If you want to be sure that all matching programs are recorded, give the auto-recording
WishList search a high priority in the Season Pass Manager. See page 24 for details.
Editing a WishList Search You can change a WishList search—for example, to correct a misspelling, or to add a category
or subcategory to narrow the results. Just select the WishList search, then select Edit WishList.
As you browse the upcoming
program titles found by WishList
searches, remember that the CHAN UP/
DOWN button pages quickly through lists.