The Basics in 5 Short Tours
1Tour Four: Finding Great Entertainment
The TiVo service makes it easy for you to find what you want to watch by responding to your
interests and collecting the best the television networks have to offer.
WishList™ Searches
A WishList search finds programs that match your search criteria on any channel you receive—
and it keeps on searching for as long as you keep the WishList search.
1. From the Pick Programs to Record screen, choose WishList Search, then Create New
WishList. The Create WishList screen shows the different kinds of WishList searches you
can create. For now, select Actor WishList. You’ll see a letter grid.
2. Move to the letter D and press SELECT. Then select the letters E and P. Each time you
choose a letter, the list of actors on the right changes. You should see DEPP, JOHNNY on
the list now.
3. Press RIGHT to move to the list of names, then highlight DEPP, JOHNNY and press
4. On Select Category screen, select Movies. The next screen gives you a chance to select
subcategories of movies, but for now select Don’t Specify A Sub-Category.
The final WishList screen lets you view all upcoming Johnny Depp movies, or choose to
automatically record them. If you choose Auto-Record WishList Programs, any Johnny
Depp movie on any channel at any time in the future will be recorded!
TiVo Suggestions
You can rate any program—whether it’s live, recorded, or listed in the program guide—by
pressing the THUMBS UP ® or THUMBS DOWN ® button on your remote. You can
give a program up to three Thumbs Up (great!) or three Thumbs Down (terrible!).
When you choose to auto-record a
WishList search, you can set how
many episodes to keep and how long to
keep them using Recording Options. See
page 25.