•Auto Re-lock. When Parental Controls are temporarily turned off, they re-lock automatically
after four hours of no remote control activity. Parental Controls won’t re-lock in the middle
of a show. Use this setting to disable Auto Re-lock.
Rating Settings for TV and MoviesMovies originally meant for release to theaters have a different rating system from programs
made for TV. Use Parental Controls to set limits for both rating systems, as well as for specific
types of TV content. Any changes are saved automatically.
•Set TV Rating Limits. When you select this setting, you’ll see a box listing all TV ratings.
Ratings shaded in green are not locked; ratings in red are locked. Use the UP/DOWN arrows
to adjust which ratings are locked.
•Set Movie Rating Limit. When you select this setting, you’ll see a box listing all movie
ratings. Ratings shaded in green are not locked; ratings in red are locked. Use the UP/
DOWN arrows to adjust which ratings are locked.
•Set TV Content Blocks. When you select this setting, you’ll see the types of content that are
marked by broadcasters and can be blocked. Select each type of content you want to block,
then use the UP/DOWN arrows to adjust which ratings are blocked (shaded in red).
Ratings in gray do not apply to that type of content. For example, a TV-Y program would
not have V-Violence content so there is nothing to block.
•Block Unrated Programs. Some movies and TV programs are unrated. Use this setting to
block all unrated movies or TV programs.
•Channel Locks. Lock individual channels so that a password is required to view any program
broadcast on those channels. A channel list appears with a padlock icon to the left of any
locked channels. Highlight a channel and press SELECT to add or remove a padlock icon.
Broadcasters are not required to
provide ratings for specific types of
content. If you want to be sure to block
programs that do not include ratings for
specific types of content, you will have to use
age-based ratings to block content.