advanced operation
Profile1 Modules display three types of items on the TV monitor.
1)Module Menu (Figure 4)
2)Inquiry Box (Figure 6)
One of them is the Module Menu as you can see an example of this type in Figure 4 Also the common interface module can display a list of items (chan- nel list, subscription information, module information etc.) and an inquiry message for pin control, changing module ratings etc. You can see List box and Inquiry box taken from the Viaccess module. This section can only dem- onstrate a few of the modules' information and for each of the module you want to use, you will9LDFFHVV0RGXOH$&QVXOWDWLQV6HOHFWXWKRUL]DWLRQVsee differentWKHLQIRUDWLRQ0GXOHLWHPnames,2buttons.,&DQFHOlists , menus , etc.
Figure 4. Module Menu (this menu is identical for the Viaccess Common Interface Module)
11 05 2004 15:29 |