reading a total of 25 registers beginning at rd_reg_basic[10]. Offset 10 in the interface card’s rd_reg_basic root tag (which starts at register 1) refers to 1+10 = register 11 (deceleration time 1). If we wish, we could also use the tag name which references deceleration time 1 directly (rd_reg_11) to achieve the same results.

Figure 77: MSG Instruction Configuration

iii)Enter the Number Of Elements to read. In this example, we will read 25 registers.

iv)For the Destination Element, either directly type in

“data_array[10]”, or select element #10 in the data_array tag via the drop-down box (refer to Figure 78). The destination could be any offset in the data_array tag, as long as the offset plus the Number Of Elements (25) does not exceed the tag’s defined size (100).