If Something Goes Wrong


DVD operating problems

4Next to the words Desktop Area, move the slider to a lower setting, such as 800 x 600 or 640 x 480.

5Click OK.

DVD titles, games, or applications appear distorted.

Having Stretch enabled when your video resolution is set to 640 x 480 or 800 x 600 can cause distortion. To disable Stretch, follow the instructions below:

1Right-click the Desktop, select Properties.

2Select the Settings tab.

3Select the Advanced Flat Panel tab.4Click Disable Display Stretch Feature.

5Click OK.

The screen saver runs while you are watching a movie or title.

If the screen saver is enabled, it runs on top of any movie or title you are watching. To disable the screen saver:

1Click Start, Control Panel.

The Control Panel window appears.

2Click Appearance and Themes, and double-click the Display icon.

The Display Properties dialog box appears.

3Click the Screen Saver tab.

In the Screen Saver list, the current screen saver is highlighted.

4Click the down arrow at the right of the current screen saver name.

A list of screen savers displays.

5Click and hold the up arrow by the list or move the slide to the top.