276 Index
hot swapping fails 203 inserting 138not recognized 203 problem solving 201, 202 removing 139setting up 140 Plug and Play 188 portCOM 126 Ethernet LAN 130 RGB 67power

computer will not start 181 connecting cable to AC adaptor


cord/cable connectors 232 energy-saving features 102 problem solving 191 turning on 51

power button 51 power profiles 112 power schemehot key 113 power source 46connecting 47 powering downusing Hibernation 77 using Standby 78precautions 40 primary button 62 printerconnecting 70problem solving 204, 205 printing a file 91

problem solving AC power 192 accessing disk drives 182 battery charge does not last 192 battery not charging 192

cannot insert diskette in drive 198 cannot read a diskette 199 changing display properties 196 checking device properties 189 computer hangs when PC Card

inserted 203

computer will not power up 181 contacting Toshiba 219, 220 corrupted/damaged data files 198 Device Manager 189 disabling a device 189

disk drive is slow 198 display is blank 194external display not working 196 external monitor 195

faulty memory 191 hardware conflict 186, 187 high-pitched noise 201 illegal operation 181 Internet bookmarked site not

found 185Internet connection is slow 185 keyboard

not responding 182 missing files/trouble accessing a

disk 197 modem not receiving ortransmitting 205 no sound 200 non-system disk or disk error183, 199 PC Card 201checklist 202 error occurs 204hot swapping fails 203 not recognized 203 slot appears dead 202power and batteries 191 printer 204, 205 program not responding 179