Using ConfigFree™ with your Toshiba Computer


ConfigFree Utilities

A profile contains the currently configured network settings on the computer, as well as information about any network devices. The following settings can be saved (or “captured”) in a profile:

Internet settings—includes LAN settings (proxy server settings) and the address of a home page that opens automatically when Internet Explorer starts.

Devices—lets you enable or disable settings of wired and wireless network devices, infrared devices, and set the power status of Bluetooth® antennas.

TCP/IP settings—includes DHCP, IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS server, and WINS server settings.

Personal firewall settings for Internet connections.

Dial-up connection settings for the default connection.

File and printer sharing settings.

Printer settings for the default printer.

Bluetooth® Security Level (for example, high or medium).

To create a profile:

1Click the icon in the system tray.

2Move the pointer to Profile.

3Click Add. The Add Profile screen appears.

4Select Capture and click OK. The Add Profile screen appears.

5Enter the name of the profile you want to create.

6Enter any optional comments, if desired.

7Click Change Icon and select an icon for this profile.

8Click the icon at the bottom of the screen to display more capture options.