Glossary 265


ground — A conductor to which all components of an electric circuit are



connected. It has a potential of zero (0) volts, is connected to the


earth, and is the point of reference for voltages in the circuit.

hard disk — A storage device composed of a rigid platter or platters that



can be magnetically coded with data. Hard disks hold much more


information than diskettes and are used for long-term storage of


programs and data. The primary (or only) hard disk in a computer is


usually fixed, but some computers have secondary hard disks that


are removable. By default, the hard disk is referred to as drive C.


hardware — The physical components of a computer system. Compare




Hibernation — A feature of many Toshiba notebook computers that


saves to the hard disk the current state of your work, including all


open files and programs, when you turn the computer off. When


you turn on the computer again, your work is returned to the same


state it was when the computer was turned off. See also Standby,




high-density diskette — A 3.5-inch diskette that holds 1.44 MB of data.


See also diskette.


hot key — (1) A feature in which certain keys in combination with the


Fn key can set system options or control system parameters, such as


the battery save mode. (2) A key or combination of keys that


activates a memory resident program.


hot swapping — The ability to add or remove devices from a computer


while the computer is running and have the operating system


automatically recognize the change.

icon — A small image displayed on the screen that represents a function,



file, or program.


interlaced — A method of refreshing a computer screen, in which only


every other line of pixels is refreshed. Interlaced monitors take two


passes to create a complete screen image. Compare non-interlaced.


internal device — See device.