Using ConfigFree™ with your Toshiba Computer

ConfigFree Utilities

If a problem or potential problem is detected, in most cases, a screen automatically displays showing you the possible cause and solution for the problem.

A triangle containing an exclamation point also appears on the Connectivity Doctor screen, and an orange frame describes the relevant location. You can also view the possible cause and solution for the problem by clicking the exclamation point. If multiple triangles display, you can toggle between each of their cause and solution information screens by clicking its exclamation point.

For example, if the connection to a wireless network cannot be established because the wireless communication switch is turned off, the problem description screen will normally display automatically when you start the Connectivity Doctor, and an exclamation point will appear next to the wireless communication switch.

The following checkboxes and buttons are provided on the Connectivity Doctor screen:

Stay on the

When checked, the ConfigFree icon

task tray

resides in the system tray.


Displays ConfigFree setting screen.


Lets you create a diagnostic log, view a


history of log files, or delete the history.


Log files are saved as CFhtmlxxxxx.htm,


where xxxxx is the creation date and time.


The logs reside in the folder: C:\Docu-


ments and Settings\username\Local Set-




Displays the version of Connectivity




Displays online Help.


Closes the Connectivity Doctor screen.